Wednesday 2 May 2012

ANCM - Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve

I'm pretty early today as I had a very minor eyewink the night before so as not to be late for today's event.

Been while since our group met up; Allen and Nicole are doing film today. I've not done film for many years so that might be a good time to relive it some day later.

It's the first time we're doing at this biggest wetland reserve locally; most of the previous events were either street shots or a bigger scale to an island off our main land. Smaller groups tend to have easier handling.

We have been blessed with good weather - all sunny, no signs of rain. The perfect light source for doing it all natural. Seems like there has been some recent renovation works hence several small barricades could be seen. Nevertheless, the important highlights are still accessible.

There's a pretty wide array of spiders living in these natural habitats which requires the right equipment to get the best shots.

We finished rounding up the area by 1:30pm. Rainstorm commenced while we were all well under shelter.

We'll all meet again for another outing!

Sent via my BlackBerry


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