Monday 9 July 2012

A glimpse of hope

I was listening to the local radio and Tanya Chua, the local singer was on air and shared about how challenging it was at times as she went about her singing career. It was at the lowest state when she first got recognition for her works by the Taiwanese entertainment arena which gave her that boost of encouragement to move on.

Photographers alike as artists, we paint with light while singers paint with their voices, there are times when I shot so hard and could not get any form of recognition until one day, I was contacted by an ex colleague who is keen to use one of my images for their corporate website.

Looks like all my hard work are starting to pay off and gaining abit of recognition. That gave me the encouragement to work on and continue with the passion that I started more than 10 years ago.

To all the aspiring photographers out there, keep this going no matter how tough it gets.

Sent via my BlackBerry


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