Sunday 19 February 2012

Farewell, Feron Wong

This is the place where I share my shutter journey, but it's not restricted to just everything around the camera, but also what's around that makes the whole world of photography a beautiful kaleidoscope.

Just learnt that a model who used to be quite well-known in the TFCD scene at a forum I frequent had passed on quite sometime back.  It was through my partner's friend who knows her in person and had taken a shot of her tablet at the columbarium during one of the visits.  From the eulogy, it was shared by her best friend about her personality which is that I read, makes people around her feel warm.  She had been fighting the cancer disease for 4 years (which could be the reason why she had not been publicised in the forum for shots after 2011).

Here's an album I found of her which was taken in 2010.  I must say she has the qualities of looking great in front of the camera:

Thank God she is now in Paradise.


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